Slobodno nas pitajte bilo što – naš tim je na vašoj strani!
Za sve upite vezane za kupnju plovila tijekom radnog vremena molimo nazovite naš ured u Splitu na +385 21 332 348 ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila
Hanse Yachts AG i Bill Dixon nastavljaju svoju tradiciju inovacije i izvrsnosti s uvođenjem marke Ryck Motorboats, koja s ponosom nosi pečat "Made in Germany". S dužinom trupa od 8,80 metara i širinom od 2,81 metra, Ryck 280 nudi iznimne karakteristike upravljanja, osiguravajući besprijekornu kombinaciju performansi i stila na vodi.
Jedinstvene značajke
List of options and packages added to the standard equipment:
Trim Tabs
RELAX Package:
Anchor 7,5 kg with 25 m anchor rope
Fridge in the cockpit under L-shaped bench on the port side
MyRYCK Safety Cloud with 24 months subscription and device installed on board
Cushion for foredeck Olvie Groove
Cover for sunbed, color: light grey
4 fenders with ropes
4 mooring ropes 14mm/10m
Entertainment Package Audio 2
FUSION Apollo MS-RA670
4 FUSION speakers in Cockpit
FUSION Wireless stereo remote control, black
Bathing ladder, telescopic (lollipop)
Fiberglass box in storage underneath cockpit
Electric windlass with anchor arm, remote control, and 25 m chain (only with RELAX package)
Shower on aft deck (hot water only when XD8110 is chosen)
Waterski arch
Wetbar including sink and 2 burner gas stove with LPG gas system and stowage for 1 gas bottle
L-shaped cockpit bench with cushion and convertible backrest lower and raise
The table in the cockpit with high low leg (manual) and cushion on top with cover
T-Top in fiberglass with spotlights, top surface black wrapped, black handrails, black cleats
Fridge in the cockpit under L/shaped bench on sb side
A2: Cabin with double berth
Infill for "V" double berth (only with A2 layout)
Interior upholstery for A2 layout - Cosy Indoor - Taupe
Sunshade on aft deck (for stationary use) colour: Black
Additional components:
Mercury Verado 350 XL Black with pre-rigging, Vessel View 502 and top mount throttle
Engine installation and PDI
Inverter 350W
Transport from Greifswald - Kastela
Final commissioning - test of equipment, assembly of deck equipment, calibration of nav. instruments, cleaning
Antifouling (including materials - 2 layers of primer and antifouling)
Costs of launching (including travel lift and land berth charges for 3 days)
Otklonite svaku sumnju i isprobajte vaše novo potencijalno plovilo prije nego što se odlučite na kupnju.
Više informacijaMožete nas naći u našem glavnom uredu:
Adresa: Dražanac 2/a , 21 000 Split, CROATIA
odjel prodaje: +385 21 332 348
Radno vrijeme ureda: 8:00 – 16:00 CET
Slobodno nas pitajte bilo što – naš tim je na vašoj strani!
Za sve upite vezane za kupnju plovila tijekom radnog vremena molimo nazovite naš ured u Splitu na +385 21 332 348 ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila
Za hitne upite izvan radnog vremena možete kontaktirati naše prodajne savjetnike na njihove brojeve mobitela, a možete poslati i e-mail te ćete dobiti odgovor u najkraćem mogućem roku:
Mr. Domagoj Milisic
(Direktor prodaje)
Tel: +385 91 332 3320
Mr. Igor Karmelic
(Prodajni savjetnik)
Tel: +385 91 332 3322
Mr. Luka Milisic
(Prodajni savjetnik)
Tel: +385 91 3373 165
Post prodaja
* Specijalna ponuda za Dalmatia boat show
Osigurajte svoj potpuno novi Ryck 280, potpuno opremljen, s vanbrodskim motorom Mercury Verado 350 XL, i iskoristite prednost isporuke za ljeto 2024.. S ovom ograničenom promocijom uštedite do 7.000 €. Iskoristite ovu iznimnu ponudu i zaplovite s jednim od najiščekivanijih motornih čamaca godine. Ova ponuda vrijedi do 30. rujna 2024.