Slobodno nas pitajte bilo što – naš tim je na vašoj strani!
Za sve upite vezane za kupnju plovila tijekom radnog vremena molimo nazovite naš ured u Splitu na +385 21 332 348 ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila
Biti vlasnik plovila često se čini kao velika obveza, i to ne samo u financijskom smislu. Morate dogovoriti vez, redovito održavanje i preglede te pritom trošiti vrijeme pripremajući plovilo za odmor svaki put kadaga želite koristiti. Ako biste željeli posjedovati plovilo o kojem ne morate brinuti ili ako niste sigurni biste li ga mogli financirati, održavati ili jednostavno nemate vremena da ga koristite onoliko koliko biste željeli, naš Yachting World Charter Managament program je nešto o čemu biste svakako trebali razmisliti.
Yachting World Charter Management program uključuje čitavi niz usluga kojima mi preuzimamo brigu oko vašeg plovila i charter gostiju, vodeći računa o tome da vaše plovilo postigne maksimalni potencijal u ostvarivanju prihoda u charteru i zadrži što veću vrijednost tijekom godina. Ovaj je program osmišljen kako bi vam pružio najjednostavniji put do posjedovanja novog plovila tako što se kupnja plovila, održavanje i tekući troškovi financiraju iz chartera prihoda. Neki modeli charter management programa omogućavaju i ostvarenje profita te na taj način kupnju plovila pretvaraju u investiciju.
“Uzevši u obzir gore navedeno, charter management zaista je najlakši put do novog plovila koje će uvijek biti spremno za isplovljavanje, svaki put kada vi to poželite otići na odmor, a da ne morate brinuti o vezu, održavanju, osiguranju ili čišćenju.
Ekskluzivni smo i ovlašteni prodavatelj za plovila Bali, Hanse, Dehler, Sealine, Ryck i Fjord i nagrađivana charter tvrtka sa sjedištem u Splitu i charter bazama u Marini Kaštela, ACI marini Dubrovnik i Marini Kornati u Biogradu na Moru, gdje održavamo i upravljamo flotom koja broji više od 120 plovila.
Vodit ćemo vas kroz cjelokupni proces kupnje plovila i pružiti vam svu potrebnu pravnu podršku i brigu oko dokumentacije, kao i pomoć kod osnivanja tvrtke.
Višestruke nagrade poput one za najboljeg ovlaštenog Hanse prodavatelja 2019., najbolju charter tvrtku 2017. te posebnog priznanja za najbolji sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u charteru 2018., dokaz su naše kvalitete, a što su voljni potvrditi i naši klijenti iz charter management programa koje možete kontaktirati za referencu.
“Kod nas ćete po pitanju charter managementa dobiti cjelokupnu uslugu na jednom mjestu.
Nakon što se uključite u naš Yachting World Charter Management program, vaše će plovilo biti smješteno u jednoj od naše tri baze na hrvatskoj obali.
Hrvatska obala je jedinstvena i čini je 1185 otoka i otočića s pregršt zanimljivih mjesta koja tek trebate otkriti. Antički gradovi, mirne uvale s kristalno čistim morem u kojima možete plivati ili,pak, živopisni ili moderni gradovi… Hrvatska ima sve!
Prekrasna priroda, dugi lanac krševitih otoka duž gotovo planinske obale, izobilje skrivenih sidrišta i stabilna klima čine Hrvatsku nautičkim rajem sa savršenim uvjetima plovidbe. Za sve one koji traže privatnost ili preferiraju netaknutu prirodu, Hrvatska nudi divlju mediteransku ljepotu, tople boje s prekrasnom bujnom i mirisnom vegetacijom, na čijoj se obali izmjenjuju litice i špilje, stjenovite uvale, fine šljunčane plaže i veličanstvene uvale. Putovanje u Hrvatsku brzo je i jednostavno: u roku 2 sata zrakoplovom do nje možete doći iz gotovo bilo kojeg kutka Europe.
Različiti modeli našeg charter management programa donose različite prednosti. Više informacija o modelima naći ćete na poveznicama i otkriti koji vam model najviše odgovara.
My name is Daniel Korth. Together with Markus Söfje, I am a managing director and founder of the charter agency Auszeit-yachtcharter. Besides the agency business, we operate our own yachts in the Baltic sea and Croatia. In the operation and maintenance of our Croatian yachts, we have been successfully working with Croatia Yachting as a partner for 5 years now!
I have sailed in many areas in Europe and after a short break, I’ve been going back to Croatia regularly. Last year only, I’ve been in Croatia for about 5 times, though not always for sailing. Commitment and friendliness of Croatians is something that always makes me happy.
Markus and I got our first Hanse yacht in the Baltic sea, and after that, we wanted to continue the investment by creating our fleet in Croatia. The most important thing for us was to find a reliable partner, who has experience with Hanse yachts because we cannot be in Croatia all the time. Combining business with pleasure, we sailed in Croatia and also explored different charter operators and their approach to charter clients.
The first thing we realized that the yachts operated by Croatia Yachting were well equipped and in excellent condition. So, we decided to contact them. Already during the first conversations, we had a good feeling. We were directly offered the contacts of other owners to get the information about the process and the quality of Charter Management from the owners’ perspective.
Of course, we had some concerns, the biggest ones being:
All these questions were answered in advance and we were not disappointed in the aftermath.
The utilization of the boats – booked charter weeks, corresponds to the forecasts in the Charter Management Program, and often there are even more charter weeks. Also, Croatia Yachting has given us a lot of support in refunding the VAT.
The Charter Management program process with Croatia Yachting is very professional. We had support in all areas and steps during the process, From the configuration and the order of the boats up to the charter management, everything runs as discussed in advance. Small problems or questions are solved or answered directly.
It’s important to us as owners to be able to use our yachts regularly, and this is very simple. At the beginning of the charter season, we inform Croatia Yachting about the weeks we would like to use. Then, the boats are blocked for this period, so they are not offered for booking to charterers. All we have to do to make that happen is to fill in a pre-designed form. Also, if there are some gaps in the bookings of the yachts, it’s possible to make your last-minute owner booking at any time!
We are very satisfied with this program as the booking results and the condition of our yachts fully meet our expectations. That is why we are planning our 4th Hanse yacht with Croatia Yachting. The forecasted booking weeks are reached every year so far. The sailors who are designated to take care of our yachts do a very good job. Plus, they are always available for us as owners, listen to our wishes and changes, while all of the technical issues are taken care of immediately.
Also, the cash flow is very clearly displayed in the Nausys booking database. We always have control over the revenue and it’s quite simple for us to prepare a monthly invoice of the achieved charter revenues. The Charter Management forecasts predict the maintenance costs accurately and all the guarantee and deposit claims are handled by Croatia Yachting, so we don’t have any complications to deal with.
Our sailing team also participates and competes at the Hanse Cup Adriatic regatta that takes place each year! The slogan of the event says it all - 3 days of sailing and fun! Every year it is great to meet teams from all over the world at the Hanse Cup and to sail against each other without taking the whole thing too seriously. It is a nice event for sailors with regatta experience as well as for regatta beginners. There is nothing more beautiful than to exchange beer and wine with the other sailors after a race day at the jetty and to talk and laugh about the exciting and funny events of the day.
In conclusion, from my point of view, the Charter Management program by Croatia Yachting is very interesting for both investors and private owners. As a private owner, you can finance the boat with the charter income despite weeks of ownership. As an investor, it is quite possible to generate income with the yachts. As always, the most important thing in life is the right partner! We can only recommend Croatia Yachting as a reliable partner from our experience in the last years.
Otklonite svaku sumnju i isprobajte vaše novo potencijalno plovilo prije nego što se odlučite na kupnju.
Više informacijaUštedite vrijeme i novac pri kupnji vlastitog plovila i obratite se kreativnom i iskusnom prodajnom timu Croatia Yachtinga.
UPOZNAJTE NAŠ PRODAJNI TIMMožete nas naći u našem glavnom uredu:
Adresa: Dražanac 2/a , 21 000 Split, CROATIA
odjel prodaje: +385 21 332 348
Radno vrijeme ureda: 8:00 – 16:00 CET
Slobodno nas pitajte bilo što – naš tim je na vašoj strani!
Za sve upite vezane za kupnju plovila tijekom radnog vremena molimo nazovite naš ured u Splitu na +385 21 332 348 ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila
Za hitne upite izvan radnog vremena možete kontaktirati naše prodajne savjetnike na njihove brojeve mobitela, a možete poslati i e-mail te ćete dobiti odgovor u najkraćem mogućem roku:
Mr. Domagoj Milisic
(Direktor prodaje)
Tel: +385 91 332 3320
Mr. Igor Karmelic
(Prodajni savjetnik)
Tel: +385 91 332 3322
Mr. Luka Milisic
(Prodajni savjetnik)
Tel: +385 91 3373 165
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