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Za sve upite vezane za kupnju plovila tijekom radnog vremena molimo nazovite naš ured u Splitu na +385 21 332 348 ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila
Prekrasna Hanse 510 s rasporedom od 5 kabina i dugim popisom opcija. Jahta je potpuno opremljena za čarter, uključujući generator i klima uređaj.
Jednostavno jedrenje i brzo krstarenje s novim, spektakularnim izgledom: Inovativni oblik trupa i savršeno postavljene chine rubove osiguravaju idealno otjecanje vode – jamstvo za neograničene performanse i jednostavno jedrenje. Osim toga, jahta nudi najveću garažu za tender u svojoj klasi – praktično za spremanje potpuno napuhanog gumenjaka. Renomirani dizajnerski ured Berret-Racoupeau stvorio je potpuno nove prostorne dimenzije na ovoj 51-stopnoj jahti. Prostrani kokpit, jedinstven u svojoj klasi, savršeno je mjesto za opuštanje s prijateljima i obitelji. Moderan dizajn stvara izuzetno velik unutarnji prostor i nudi obilje mjesta za druženje i privatnost.
Jedinstvene značajke
List of options and packages added to the standard equipment:
5 cabins, 3 heads
Yanmar 4JH57 - 80 HP, saildrive, 3-blade fixed propeller
Furniture: French oak
Floorboards: Noce Nero
Upholstery: Sorrento Stone
Worktop and sink of the galley in Marine Mineral Stone (off white)
B&G Navigation Package
2 instrument pods (1 per helm station)
2 B&G Triton² multifunction displays, 1 per helm station, incl. transducer (wind/depth/speed/temperature)
B&G VHF V60 at chart table, incl. wireless remote handset H60
B&G Zeus³S 9" chart plotter at helm station, stb
B&G Autopilot with Triton² control unit with WR10 remote control and Precision 9 compass
Wireless charging at helm station
VHF preparation with antenna and splitter for FM and AIS
Cruising Package
Teak on helmsman seats
2 helmsman seats, foldable
Helmsman footrests (free mountable)
2 additional cleats, midship (1 each side)
Anchor windlass, electrical, 1000 W, automatic fuse, remote control
Delta-anchor 25 kg, galvanized with 60 m galvanized chain
Cockpit portlight, aft cabins
MyHanse Safety Cloud with 24 months subscription and device installed on board
Battery set, capacity: 1x 90 Ah + 4x 160 Ah AGM
Deep charge protection for service batteries
Shower unit in cockpit, warm-/coldwater
Water akku for pressure equalization
Wind indicator
6 fenders
4 mooring lines
Add. winch handle
Mast steps
Hanse maintenance kit
Upgrade - Anchor windlass 1500 W
Combined mooring/anchor windlass, electrical, 1500 W, automatic fuse, remote control with chain counter
Comfort Package
Courtesy lights in cockpit
Courtesy lights at companionway
Exterior Light Signature
2 vents for coach roof hatches
Courtesy lights in saloon
Indirect lights in saloon and cabins
LED overhead lights in saloon and cabins, dimmable
SLS - Scenario light system - touch screen controller and dimmer in saloon and fwd cabin
Cockpit cushions (colour selection)
Blind set with flyscreens for deck hatches
Blinds for hull windows
Blinds for side coach roof windows
Cockpit table with teak top, electrically lowerable into sunbed incl. upholstery and cockpit bench extention, on stb
Cockpit table with teak top, electrically lowerable into sunbed incl. upholstery and cockpit bench extention, on ps
Wetbar with BBQ and sink with mixing tab (only with XC9060)
2 LEWMAR 55 EST EVO electrical halyard winches with automatic fuse
2 LEWMAR 55 ST EVO manual secondary winches
Composite bowsprit with integrated anchor and forestay fitting with double mooring roll incl. 2nd forestay and gennaker eye
Bowthruster, 24 V, retractable, incl. battery
Additional fridge in galley
Add. fresh water tank, appr. 175 l
Additional components:
Transport Greifswald - Umag
Rigging (mast assembly and installation, installation of sails and rails)
Antifouling (including materials - 2 layers of primer and antifouling)
Costs of launching (including travel lift, 5 days land berth charges, 1 day sea berth charges)
Final commissioning - test of equipment, Engine PDI, calibration of nav. instruments, cleaning
Keel and ruder installation
Bimini top, stainless steel frame, 3 windows - DARK GREY
Sprayhood, stainless steel frame, 3 windows - DARK GREY
Radio CD (MP3/USB) player with saloon and cockpit speakers
Charter equipment (deck, safety, bedlinen, galley, navigational…)
Charter make-ready pack (Jib UV protect, auto switch for windlass, various reinforcement...)
A2 crew cabin with 1 bed, sink and marine toilet
Coffee machine(230 V)
JABSCO electrical toilett pumps, sea water flush in B3, C2, D1(3 pcs)
Lazy bag with lazy jacks
Generator 8000i, 6,4 kW / 0 - 7,2 kVA incl. maintenance kit
Air conditioning, 36.000 BTU, 3 units: saloon, fwd cabin, aft cabin, incl. 2nd shore power
Inverter (12V-220) 350 W
Otklonite svaku sumnju i isprobajte vaše novo potencijalno plovilo prije nego što se odlučite na kupnju.
Više informacijaMožete nas naći u našem glavnom uredu:
Adresa: Dražanac 2/a , 21 000 Split, CROATIA
odjel prodaje: +385 21 332 348
Radno vrijeme ureda: 8:00 – 16:00 CET
Slobodno nas pitajte bilo što – naš tim je na vašoj strani!
Za sve upite vezane za kupnju plovila tijekom radnog vremena molimo nazovite naš ured u Splitu na +385 21 332 348 ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila
Za hitne upite izvan radnog vremena možete kontaktirati naše prodajne savjetnike na njihove brojeve mobitela, a možete poslati i e-mail te ćete dobiti odgovor u najkraćem mogućem roku:
Mr. Domagoj Milisic
(Direktor prodaje)
Tel: +385 91 332 3320
Mr. Igor Karmelic
(Prodajni savjetnik)
Tel: +385 91 332 3322
Mr. Luka Milisic
(Prodajni savjetnik)
Tel: +385 91 3373 165
Post prodaja
* Napomena
Potpuno opremljen i spreman za charter. Istaknuta cijena vrijedi samo za Hanse Yachting World charter management program, u suprotnom se cijena uvećava za 6%