Hanse 418 #087
video title
Hanse Yachts

Posebna ponuda vrijedi do 31.08.2019. Primopredaja novom vlasniku krajem charter sezone - listopad, 2019. Istaknuta cijena vrijedi za Hanse World charter management program i potpisom ugovora na najmanje dvije godine, suprotno se primjenjuje nadoplata 4%.


Tehnički podaci

Jedinstvene značajke

Godina izgradnje 2018
Kabine 3
Heads 2
Snaga motora 1 x 40.0 KS
Ukupna duljina 12.40 m
Širina 4.17 m
Gaz 2.10 m
Tank goriva 160 l
Spremnik za vodu 320 l
Hanse 418 #087
OtvoriZatvori Popis opreme

List price: 209.320 EUR + VAT | Special offer: 157.700 EUR + VAT

Standard equipment as per standard specificiation. All options and extras as listed bellow:

B&G Navigation Package: 2 B&G Triton² multifunction displays in cockpit, incl. transducer wind/depth/speed/temperature); B&G VHF V50 at chart table, incl. wireless remote handset H50; B&G Zeus³ 9" chart plotter at cockpit table; B&G Autopilot with Triton² control unit and Precision 9 compass; VHF preparation with antenna and splitter for FM and AIS; Cruising Package: Teak on cockpit bottom; Helmsman footrests; 2 additional cleats, midship (1 each side); Anchor windlass, electrical, remote control with chain counter; Delta-anchor 16 kg, galvanized with 30 m galvanized chain, dia. 8 mm; Battery set, capacity: 1x 90 Ah + 2x 160 Ah AGM; Shower unit in cockpit, warm-/coldwater; Wind indicator; Flagpole; 6 fenders; 4 mooring lines; Add. winch handle; HANSE maintenance kit; LAYOUT & INTERIOR: A2: Master cabin with separate head, double V-berth and storage space; B2: Saloon with short L-galley, dining area on stb and sofa on port - separate head with shower stall on port; C2: 2 aft cabins with double berth and storage space; Chart table lowerable and seat in saloon convertible into double berth;

Hanse 418 #087
Hanse 418 #087
Hanse 418 #087
Hanse 418 #087

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