Bali Catspace Le Petit Paradis video title
Bali Katamarani

Bali Catspace "Le Petit Paradis" od svog porinuća 2021. godine dio je našeg charter management programa i pod našim je održavanjem kao službeni zastupnik Bali katamarana. Ovaj izuzetno dobro opremljeni katamaran ima raspored s četiri kabine i četiri kupaonice te spuštajući stol u salonu. Molimo pogledajte potpuni popis dodatnih opcija dodanih standardnim specifikacijama u nastavku. Rezervirajte termin za pregled ili zatražite detaljnu projekciju prihoda i troškova za opciju charter managementa.

* Napomena

Istaknuta cijena vrijedi samo za Bali Yachting World charter management program, u suprotnom se cijena uvećava za 6%.

Cijena *

€ 358.800


Tehnički podaci

Jedinstvene značajke

Godina izgradnje 2021
Kabine 4
Heads 4
Snaga motora 2 x 40 KS
Radni sati motora 30.00
Ukupna duljina 12.05 m
Duljina vodne linije 11.42 m
Širina 6.56 m
Gaz 1.10 m
Težina 9.20 t
Max. težina 12.80 t
Main sail 49.00 m2
Samopreletni flok 30.00 m2
Tank goriva 400 l
Spremnik za vodu 700 l
Hladnjak + zamrzivač 265 l
CE certifikat A - 10
Koncept O. PONCIN
Projektant Lasta design studio
Unutarnji dizajn Lasta design studio
Bali Catspace Le Petit Paradis
OtvoriZatvori Popis opreme

List of options and packages added to the standard equipment:

4 cabins and 4 heads

Additonal options:

  • Combined battery charger 70 amp - Inverter 12V/220V - 1600VA
  • Battery controller 2x12V extra service batteries of 130 amp
  • Electrical winch for mainsail halyard, furler line and davit handling
  • Automatic first and second reef Electric windlass 1000W
  • Saloon manual tilting bay/door mechanically assisted by pneumatic struts
  • Saloon to forward-cockpit opening window
  • Sliding lateral windows
  • Aft cockpit courtesy lighting Fridge freezer 265L with dedicated inverter 220V
  • Gaz oven
  • Shelf in front cabine convertible into third berth
  • Aft bench seats (seats and backrests)
  • Forward cockpit cushions Cushions for flybridge ( seats and backrests )
  • Helmsman seat cushion
  • Engine room & locker hatches on gaz struts
  • Davit with system allowing electrical lift of the dinghy
  • Comfortable swim ladder with large handles and teak steps
  • Extra Fresh water tank of 300L for a total capacity of 760L
  • Hot and cold cockpit shower
  • Raymarine Electronic including : autopilot P70S, GPS plotter AXIOM 7", MULTI I70S and VHF RAY 63 2 layers of antifouling with Epoxy base coat Safety equipment for 8 with liferaft (without EPIRB)

Rigging - Sails

  • Reinforced Dacron full batten Mainsail & Solent with UV protection + Lazy-Bag & Lazy-Jack

Mecanics - Safety Equipment

  • 2  x Yanmar 40  hp instead of Yanmar 19 hp

 Interior upholstery

  • Beige Grey

Exterior setup

  • Sunbathing cushions for foredeck Beige Grey
  • Flybridge sunbathing cushions Beige Grey
  • Stern spring cleats

Additional equipment

  • Helmstation Bimini (stainless steel frame & canvas)
  • Enclosure for helmsation Bimini
  • Blackout curtains at each cabin, corridors and forward bay
  • Kit of two tables for forward cockpit
  • Permanent transom protection
  • Convertible saloon table for double berth
  • Folding seat to be used for saloon/cockpit (3pcs)
  • 12 V fan per cabin (4 pcs)
  • 4 electric toilets
  • Teak in aft cockpit
  • Radio CD(MP3/USB) player with saloon and cockpit speakers
  • Charter equipment (deck, safety, navigational, galley,bedlinen…)
  • Charter make-ready pack
Bali Catspace Le Petit Paradis

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