Bali 4.6 Joie de Vivre
video title
Bali Katamarani

Unaprijed naručeni katamaran isporučen krajem travnja 2021. Potpuno opremljen i spreman za najam.

Elegantniji nego ikad, Bali 4.6 je showstopper u svojoj klasi. Ona donosi zaštitni znak Bali učinkovitosti u korištenju prostora i prostranosti. Krmeni kokpit i salon postaju jedno veliko područje uz jedinstvena vrata koja spajaju salon i krmeni kokpit.
Potpuno opremljena kuhinja i dvostrukim hladnjakom u punoj veličini sa zamrzivačem i hladnjakom za vodu. Novi materijali za interijere donose novu eleganciju Bali estetici. Iz salona, vrata - jedinstvena za ovu veličinu, izravno vode na  pramčani kokpitu, idealno mjesto  za uživanje u suncu i osvježavajućem morskom povjetarcu. Pramčani kokpit  dovoljno je velik da cijela obitelj može uživati - niti jedan prostor ne troši niti možete uživati u pogledu od 360 metara s mosta opremljenog ležaljkama, stolom i hladnjakom.
Bali 4.6 dolazi u tri verzije: s 3, 4, 5 i do 5 + 2 rasporedom kabina. Potpuno dovoljan, s 800L spremnikom za vodu, 800 l spremnikom za gorivo i proizvođačem vode, Bali 4.6 pogodan je za sve nautičare koji cijene udobnost i prostor.

* Napomena

Istaknuta cijena vrijedi samo za Bali Yachting World charter management program, u suprotnom se cijena uvećava za 4%.


Tehnički podaci

Jedinstvene značajke

Godina izgradnje 2021
Kabine 5 + 2
Heads 4 + 1
Snaga motora 2 x 57 KS
Ukupna duljina 14.28 m
Duljina vodne linije 13.56 m
Širina 7.66 m
Gaz 1.22 m
Težina 13.60 t
Max. težina 19.80 t
Main sail 77.60 m2
Samopreletni flok 44.20 m2
Tank goriva 800 l
Spremnik za vodu 800 l
Hladnjak + zamrzivač 615 l
CE certifikat A - 12
Koncept O. PONCIN
Projektant Xavier FAŸ
Unutarnji dizajn Lasta design studio
Bali 4.6 Joie de Vivre
OtvoriZatvori Popis opreme

List of options and packages added to the standard equipment:

5 cabins and 4 heads

2X Yanmar 57 HP, Sail drive

Pack Excellence:

  • Ecological pack including freshwater purifying filter and membrane bioreactor for wastewater filtration
  • Combined battery charger 80 Amp - Inverter 12V /220v, 2000va
  • 2 extra service batteries of 130 amp
  • Battery controller
  • Indirect lighting in saloon/cockpit and cabins
  • Forward cockpit and transom courtesy lighting
  • Mainsail electrical winch
  • lifting system for dinghy
  • Electric windlass 1500W
  • Hot and cold cockpit shower
  • Comfortable swim ladder with large handles and teak steps
  • Extra fuel tank of 400lts for a total capacity of 800 lts
  • Extra Fresh water tank of 400lts for a total capacity of 860 lts
  • Gaz oven
  • Saloon tilting bay/door mechanically assisted by hydraulic struts
  • Engine room & locker hatches on gaz struts
  • Helmstation seat cushions
  • Forward cockpit cushions (Seats and backrests )
  • Seats for aft bench (Seats and backrests )
  • 2 layers of antifouling with Epoxy base coat
  • Raymarine Electronic PACK including : Pilote auto P70S, GPS plotter AXIOM 7" , MULTI I70S, VHF RAY 63 + VHF RAY
  • MIC at steering station, AIS receiver transmitter, 12 '' full touch screen at steering station
  • Large fixed Bimini with LED lighting and clears for view on mainsail  ( stainless steel frame & canvas)
  • Forward cockpit fixed table (teak)
  • Big comfortable pillows (4 pillows) Beige grey
  • Flybridge table(white compact)
  • Set of 4 sunbathing cushions for foredeck(beige grey)
  • Flybridge sunbathing cushions(beige grey)
  • Set of cushions for flybridge(beige grey)
  • Permanent transom protection
  • TV in saloon with electrical lift system and Glomex antenne (including installation and materials) 
  • FUSION stereo system with remote control on flybridge, Bluetooth and 6 speakers
  • Anchor chain counter and anchor windlass control unit at flybridge or helm station
  • Generator 8 KW with soundshield (installation and materials included)
  • Air condition for saloon and 5 cabins (44.000 BTU) including installation
  • Portside forepeak (shower and head)
  • Berth in starboard forpeak (with opening porthole)
  • Convertible saloon table for double berth
  • Kit Solar panels  4 x 100 W
  • 12 V fan per cabin ( 5 pcs )
  • JABSCO electrical toillets, sea water flush (5 pcs)
  • Coffee machine(230 V)
  • Microwave (220 V)
  • LED underwater lights at each transom X8 Ocean LED (4 pcs)
  • Pleated blinds for all cabins (5 cabins)
  • Curtains for forward bay and lateral sliding windows in saloon
  • Folding chairs to be used in saloon/cockpit (3 pcs)
  • Synthetic teak on aft transom steps and aft cockpit
  • Charter equipment (deck, safety, navigational, galley, bedlinen, Highflield CL 290 L)
  • Charter make-ready pack(auto switch for windlass, various reinforcements...)
Bali 4.6 Joie de Vivre

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