Bali 4.5 open space (2017)
video title
Bali Katamarani

Potpuno opremljen za charter. Istaknuta cijena vrijedi samo za Bali Yachting World charter management program


Tehnički podaci

Jedinstvene značajke

Godina izgradnje 2017
Kabine 4 + 2
Heads 4
Snaga motora 2 x 55.0 KS
Ukupna duljina 13.60 m
Duljina vodne linije 13.00 m
Širina 7.42 m
Gaz 1.22 m
Težina 11.80 t
Max. težina 16.40 t
Površina jedara u vjetar 121.00 m2
Main sail 72.00 m2
Samopreletni flok 39.00 m2
Tank goriva 800 l
Spremnik za vodu 800 l
CE certifikat A - 12 persons
Koncept Olivier PONCIN
Projektant Xavier FAŸ
Bali 4.5 open space (2017)
OtvoriZatvori Popis opreme

New boat: 542.032 € | Now: 390.400 €

Used BALI 4.5 Open Space (2017)

4 cabin – 4 heads, Pack Excellence, Premium pack, Engine upgrade 2 X Volvo engines 55 HP, Generator, Air conditioning for 4 cabins and saloon, Windlass remote at helmsman position, Raymarine electronic pack, VHF Cobra MR F5525 kg anchor with 80 m chain, Electric toilette pumps, Helmsman bimini top with stainless steel frame, Enclosure for bimini, Sunbathing cussions foredeck, Sunbathig cussions for coachroof, Bearths in forepeaks, Forward cockpit removable tables, Blackout curtains, Convertible saloon table to double berth, Convertible aft cockpit table for double berth, Coffee machine, Radio CD(MP3/USB) player with saloon and cockpit speakers, LCD TV 32'' in saloon + Glomex antenna,  …

Pack Excellence  (220V shore power plug for electrical circuit with outlet in cabins, saloon & galley, Multiplex electrical panel with touch screen, Combined battery charger 70 Amp - Inverter 12/220v,2000va, Battery controller, American fridge freezer (615 L) with chilled water , ice maker and dedicated inverter, 12 V outlets (1 per cabin, 1 at chart table and 1 in forward cockpit ), LED navigation lights, Cockpit extension by tilting platform, Upgraded sound insulation for engine room, Davits for dinghy, SS pulpits with Polywood seats, Hot & Cold cockpit shower, Electrical 1500 W windlass, Solent furler, 2 extra house batteries of 110 amp / 12V,Indirect lighting in saloon and cabins , Forward cockpit and transom courtesy lighting, Extra Fuel tank of 400lts for a total capacity of 800lts, Extra Fresh water tank of 400lts for a total capacity of 800lts, Beige vinyl upholstery for forward cockpit, Beige vinyl upholstery for aft cockpit and meridian, Beige vinyl upholstery for helmstation seat or flybridge bench, Fully retractable window between salon and forward cockpit, Fully retractable window between galley and aft-cockpit, Extra ventilation by opening porthole in each cabin, Gas struts on 5 cokpit lockers and engines hatches, Mainsail electrical winch, Automatic reef on first and second reef)

Premium Pack(Premium finish sunbathing cushions for foredeck, Premium finish with head rest Sunbathing cushions for bimini, Big comfortable pillows (4 pillows) Set of protection for steering console, Kit of storage covers for foredeck sunbathing cushions)

Raymarine electronic pack (Autopilot, GPS plotter A65 screen)

Bali 4.5 open space (2017)
Bali 4.5 open space (2017)

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