Bali 4.8
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Potpuno novi Bali 4.8 za isporuku u proljeće 2023. Dodatne opcije i layout još uvijek su otvoreni za konfiguraciju. Navedena cijena odnosi se na preporučenu charter konfiguraciju s 5 + 2 kabina i 5 + 1 kupatila. Spreman u moru za korištenje i charter management.

Ako BALI 4.8 nosi slogan "Otvoreni prostor", to nije slučajno. Poput BALI 5.4, i  pozamašni unutarnji prostor potpuno se "otvara" i "transformira", zahvaljujući velikim motoriziranim nagibno-zaokretnim vratima koja u potpunosti otvaraju prostor za nekoliko sekundi i novim prednjim vratima koja pružaju pristup pramčanom kokpitu prostorom za opuštanje i velikim stolom te velikim prostorom za sunčanje, bez potrebe za prelaskom preko vanjskih bočnih paluba. Veliki, prednji prozor i klizna bočna stakla pružaju optimalnu ventilaciju i panoramski pogled na okolinu. Još jedna nova značajka, naslijeđena od verzije 5.4 zbog veće privatnosti, jest pristup krmenim kabinama (ili središnjim kabinama, ovisno o konfiguraciji), koji se odvija kroz dva velika otvora koja se otvaraju u krmeni kokpit. Ti ulazi pružaju jednostavan i siguran pristup udobnim kabinama.

* Posebna ponuda za ranu narudžbu!

Potpuno opremljen i spreman za charter. Istaknuta cijena vrijedi samo za Hanse Yachting World charter management program, u suprotnom se cijena uvećava za 6%


Tehnički podaci

Jedinstvene značajke

Godina izgradnje 2023
Ukupna duljina 14.86 m
Duljina vodne linije 14.28 m
Širina 7.88 m
Gaz 1.35 m
Težina 15.30 t
Max. težina 22.00 t
Main sail 81.00 m2
Samopreletni flok 47.00 m2
Standardni motor 2 X 45 KS
Motor 1 2 X 57 KS
Tank goriva 1000 l
Spremnik za vodu 1000 l
Hladnjak + zamrzivač 615 l
CE certifikat A - 12
Koncept Olivier Poncin
Projektant Xavier FAŸ
Unutarnji dizajn Lasta design studio
Bali 4.8
OtvoriZatvori Popis opreme

Standard equipment as per standard specification. The following layout and additional options are the recommended charter configuration and included in the listed price:

5 cabins and 5 heads + 2 skippers cabins and head

Pack Excellence

  • Freshwater purifying filter
  • Combined battery charger 80 amp - Inverter 12V (or 24V)/230V - 2000VA
  • 2 extra service batteries of 12V - 130 amp
  • Battery controller
  • House fridge freezer (615L) with chilled water, ice maker and dedicated inverter
  • Indirect lighting in saloon/cockpit and cabins
  • Forward cockpit  and transom courtesy lighting
  • Mainsail electrical winch
  • Lifting system for dinghy
  • Electric windlass 1700W
  • Extra fuel tank of 400L for a total capacity of 1000L
  • Extra Fresh water tank of 400L for a total capacity of 1060L
  • Hot and cold cockpit shower
  • Comfortable swim ladder with large handles and teak steps
  • Gaz oven
  • Saloon tilting bay/door electrically assisted by hydraulic struts  
  • Engine room & locker hatches on gaz struts
  • Helmstation seat cushions (seat and backrest)
  • Forward cockpit  cushions (seats and backrests)
  • Seats for aft bench (seats and backrests)
  • 2 layers of antifouling with Epoxy base coat
  • Raymarine Electronic  PACK including : Pilote auto P70S, GPS plotter  AXIOM 7", MULTI I70S, VHF RAY 63 + VHF RAY MIC at steering station, AIS receiver transmitter, full touch screen AXIOM 12" at steering station
  • Stickers on transom : name and port of registry of the boat  (to be specified 2 months at the latest before delivery)

Rigging - Sails

  • Lazy bag and UV protection for sail in taupe color
  • Reinforced Dacron full batten Mainsail & Solent with UV protection + Lazy-Bag & Lazy-Jack
  • Mecanics - Safety Equipment
  • 2  x Yanmar 57 hp instead of Yanmar 45hp


  • Tilting forward windows with locking system in open position

Interior setup

  • Bar integrated in salon table with reversible tray (already included in Elegance pack)  (incompatible with convertible salon table)


Standard equipment as per standard specification. The following layout and additional options are the recommended charter configuration and included in the listed price:

Exterior setup

  • Stern spring cleats (option incompatible with hydraulic rear platform)

Electronics - Hifi

  • Commissioning - Handing over

Comissioning and transfer

  • Commissioning in Canet (France), with anchor set 40kg and 70ml Ø12 chain, anchor bridle, 8 fenders and 5 moorings, one day hand over and 7 days dockspace (net price)
  • Transfer of the boat Canet en Roussillion - Split + mandatory safety equipment
  • Pack ready to go (net price)

Additional components part of the offer:

  • Large fixed Bimini with LED lighting and clears for view on mainsail  (stainless steel frame & canvas)
  • Forward cockpit fixed table (teak)
  • Big comfortable pillows (4 pillows) Beige grey
  • Flybridge table(white compact)
  • Backrest cushions for fly bridge (beige grey)
  • Backrest cushions for aft bench (beige grey)
  • Set of 4 sunbathing cushions for foredeck (beige grey)
  • Flybridge sunbathing cushions(beige grey)
  • Set of cushions for flybridge(beige grey)
  • Permanent transom protection
  • TV in saloon with electrical lift system and Glomex antenne (including installation and materials) 
  • FUSION stereo system with remote control on flybridge, Bluetooth and 6 speakers
  • Anchor chain counter and anchor windlass control unit at flybridge or helm station
  • Generator 8 KW with soundshield (installation and materials included)
  • Air condition for saloon and 4 cabins (40.000 BTU) including installation
  • Portside forepeak with head and wash basin 
  • Berth in starboard forpeak (with opening porthole)
  • Convertible saloon table for double berth
  • Kit Solar panels  4 x 111 W
  • 12 V fan per cabin ( 5 pcs )
  • JABSCO electrical toillets, sea water flush (4 pcs)
  • Coffee machine(230 V)
  • Microwave (220 V)
  • Pleated blinds for all cabins (4 cabins)
  • Curtains for forward bay and lateral sliding windows in saloon
  • Interior design upgrade package (armrests, Inner liner for saloon, decorative cover for curtain rail…)
  • Folding chairs to be used in saloon/cockpit (3 pcs)
  • Synthetic teak on aft transom steps and aft cockpit
  • Charter equipment (deck, safety, navigational, galley, bedlinen, Highflield CL 290 L)
  • Charter make-ready pack(auto switch for windlass, various reinforcements...)

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