Bali 4.2 Owners video title
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Potpuno novi Bali 4.2, vlasnička verzija ispurućen u siječnju 2023. Izuzetno dobro opremljen i spreman za trenutnu primopredaju.

Čvrsta prednja paluba i prednji kokpit revolucionarno su rješenje s kojim su Bali katamarani iskoristili svaki centimetar prostora na plovilu. Interijer i eksterijer postaju jedno, zahvaljujući velikoj staklenoj stijeni koje se u potpunosti podiže i koja neprimjetno spaja kokpit i salon. Bali 4.2 prvi je katamaran u klasi koji izravno povezuje salon s prednjim kokpitom, u kojem se cijela posada može udobno odmarati i sunčati! Još jedna novost je prostor za tuširanje koji je odvojen od ostatka kupaone kako bi pružio još veću praktičnost. Još više mjesta za sunčanje možete pronaći na izuzetno udobnom fly bridgeu, kao i na kormilarskom mjestu dizajniranom za samostalno jedrenje ili jedrenje s malom posadom. 

Prostrani salon zaštitni je znak Bali katamarana, a Bali 4.2 nije iznimka, s dovoljno prostora za sjedenje oko stola s integriranim barom. Dizajn ovog katamarana nudi razne mogućnosti rasporeda i širok izbor vrhunskih materijala, tako da je prilagodljiv do posljednjih detalja! U srcu filozofije Bali katamarana su udobnost i prostor, također vidljivi u prilagodljivim kabinama s vlastitom kupaonicom.

* Napomena:

Cijena vrijedi samo do 15.08.2023.

Cijena po cjeniku *

€ 675.190

Cijena *

€ 629.800


Tehnički podaci

Jedinstvene značajke

Godina izgradnje 2023
Kabine 3 + 1
Heads 3 + 1
Snaga motora 2 x 45.0 KS
Ukupna duljina 12.85 m
Duljina vodne linije 12.46 m
Širina 7.08 m
Gaz 1.12 m
Težina 11.90 t
Površina jedara u vjetar 148.00 m2
Main sail 50.00 m2
Samopreletni flok 35.00 m2
Tank goriva 800 l
Spremnik za vodu 860 l
Hladnjak + zamrzivač 336 l
CE certifikat A - 10 persons
Koncept Olivier Poncin
Projektant Xavier Fay
Unutarnji dizajn Lasta Design Studio
Bali 4.2 Owners
OtvoriZatvori Popis opreme

Specifications  Pack
Freshwater purifying filter
Combined battery charger 70 Amp - Inverter 12V/230V - 1600VA
2 extra service batteries of 130 amp
Battery controller
Fridge freezer 336L with chilled water 
Electrical winch (mainsail halyards, solent sheet, mainsheet, reefs and davits)
Automatic first and second reef 
Stainless Steel pulpits with seats and solid hand rails
Electric windlass 1000W
Salon manual tilting bay/door mechanically assisted by pneumatic struts
Lateral sliding windows
Salon courtesy lighting
Extra Fresh water tank of 400L for a total capacity of 860L
Extra fuel tank of 320L for a total capacity of 640L
Gaz oven
High cupboards in kitchen
Forward cockpit cushions (seats and backrests)
Helmsman seat cushions (seat and backrest)
Seats for aft bench (seats and backrests)
Engine room & locker hatches on gaz struts
Davit with system allowing electrical lift of the dinghy
Comfortable swim ladder with large handles and teak steps
Hot and cold cockpit shower
Raymarine Electronic Pack 1 including : autopilot P70S, GPS plotter AXIOM 7", MULTI I70S and VHF RAY 63
2 layers of antifouling with Epoxy base coat
Safety equipment for 8 with Life-raft (Auto vest + lanyard, raft, 10 green glow sticks, horseshoes buoy, compass iris 50ZA, logbook, flashlight, bucket handle, first aid kit, fender sock, set of mooring ropes 2x15ml + 2x25ml, fender)  without EPIRB and flares) without EPIRB and flares
Stickers on transom : name and port of registry of the boat (to be specified 2 months at the latest before delivery)

Hulls : padded headbands and headboards, indirect lighting headband, design applies, chrome plated polished reading lights, magazines pockets master suites, comfort accessories in the bathroom
Salon : chart table reading light in leather, folding seat for chart table, salon table with bar, design standing lights with dimmer, square upholstery bands with armrests, electric rear bay lift system assisted by hydraulic cylinders, flagpole and its support

Rigging - Sails
Lazy bag and UV protection for sail in taupe color.
Square top reinforced Dacron full-batten Mainsail with specific fitting  & Solent with UV protection + Lazy-Bag & Lazy-Jack

Mecanics - Safety Equipment
2 Yanmar 45 hp 4 cylinder engines instead of the 30 hp 3 cylinder
Pair of 3 blades folding propellers                               
Genset generator 7KW 50hz with soundshield and remote control 230V
Remote control with chain counter at helm station

Reverse cycle aircond. in hulls (3 cabins version) 230V/50 Hz 
Reverse cycle aircond. in salon 230V/50Hz 
Tilting forward windows with locking system in open position
Large model freshwater electric toilet (specify number and location)
Dish washer for 6 under sink 230V 
Pot holders on burner cooking
Micro-wave oven 230V

Interior setup
Access from forward cabin to starboard forepeak
Blackout pleated blinds 3 cabins version (colour : ecru)
Mosquito screens for portholes in cabins 3 cabins version
Safe box under aft portside berth
Club corner instead of daybed (two armchairs and a mini-bar) 
Convertible saloon table for double berth (cushions included) (incompatible with convertible salon table) 

Indoor and outdoor upholstery color Beige Grey 

Exterior setup
Forward cockpit removable table  
External roof curtains for sun protection of the saloon (White Batyline fabric)
Set of protection for steering console 
Set of folding sun loungers for the front deck
Flybridge sunbathing cushions (with backrests)
Front cockpit and transoms courtesy lighting
Permanent  transom protection
Stern spring cleats
Polywood outbord engine bracket on aft beam
LED submarine lighting blue under each transom (4 spots)
Plancha with gas installation

Electronics - Hifi
Hifi Radio Fusion 4 HP bluetooth (Salon & Foredeck)
Raymarine remote control for automatic pilot
Commissioning - Handing over

Additional equipment 
Helmstation Bimini (stainless steel frame & canvas)
Front enclosure for helmsation Bimini
Permanent  transom protection
Curtains for forward bay
Curtains for lateral side sliding windows
LCD TV 32''  + Glomex antenne (including installation and materials) 
Solar panels 4 x 111 W
Coffee machine (230V)

Bali 4.2 Owners

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